Dear Santa

Carolanne Tremblay
Carolanne Tremblay

Dear Santa,

Every year, I send you my wishes for the world of education. With the New Year just around the corner, here is what I'd like to see in 2018.

Over a year ago, I left teaching to work for a private company that develops web platforms equipped with caring artificial intelligence. Their products are aimed at supporting educators, students, school workers and the general public.

My reason for leaving teaching was not because I didn't like my job anymore or because I didn't enjoy interacting with students, but because I was deeply convinced that I stood a better chance of changing education from the outside than from the inside. Teachers shoulder enormous responsibility that leaves them with little time to sit back and reflect on the best way to transform education.

Santa, I have only one big wish this year, and that is to open society's eyes to the importance of education. To appreciate the beauty of the teaching profession, and the miracles that teachers perform in their classrooms. Teachers open minds. They prepare youth for their future and help them discover the world around them. They also have a huge impact on the future of society, as teachers are responsible for sculpting the minds of tomorrow.

So please, Santa, make 2018 the year that we start to truly appreciate the work that teachers do. May we better understand the cognitive overload they face on a daily basis, and the importance and virtue of their work.

May we appreciate the importance of education and of investing in education. Investing money, of course, but also investing time. Schools should be among our top priorities. Without education, public health suffers and economic instability ensues. Santa, do you see where I'm coming from? Education is key to a healthy society. So let's make those investments and take the time to listen to the people who make daily sacrifices on the front lines of the education system: teachers, special education instructors, school administrators, psychologists, psychoeducators, social workers, recreation technicians and administrative assistants.

To quote Abraham Lincoln: “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”

May our society help the education system adapt to today's ever-changing reality. May we grant it access to new technologies to meet the needs of students, educators and other stakeholders in the education system. May we develop human-centred tools that lessen the burden on school staff so they can focus all their attention on educating youth.

Finally, Santa, I sincerely hope that 2018 will be the year that schools get the attention they deserve and we all choose to make education a priority. May young people appreciate the importance of learning, may teachers serve our society with pride and may we all understand the impact of knowledge on our future.

Happy holidays to all! May 2018 be full of opportunities to learn skills and develop empathy and goodwill toward one another.

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