I say yes to technology!

Carolanne Tremblay
Carolanne Tremblay

Technology in education is currently THE hot topic. Some agree with its use in class, others do not. It is normal that this subject develops so much contradiction. Technology may seem frightening, invasive or even disabling. People may also fear the arrival of technology in the classroom because "back in their day" it was not like that. They fear the unknown or worry about neglecting some important aspects of teaching. But times change, young people evolve and children no longer learn sitting in rows and in silence before a speaking teacher. Today's students have access to the world and all the information they need at their fingertips. Education has no choice but to adapt to the new generation.

As a teacher, I have always perceived the use of technology in my pedagogy as a complementary device in my toolbox. It has never replaced my teaching or invaded my class. It is useful to accompany my students on the learning path, like a compass in the forest.

The benefits of techno-pedagogy for a teacher

I remind you that ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is not a solution to all the problems that we encounter during a school year however its use in our classes allows us to diversify the types of pedagogy that we can value. It can also help us more easily catch the attention of our students who are used to using technological tools at home and elsewhere on a daily basis.

One of the major points when I think about education and technology is the integration of artificial intelligence into some educational tools. I take a tool that I used as part of my class profiles as an example: the "Active monitoring", which allows me to see my students' profiles according to their capacities and according to their performance in evaluations carried out with all their teachers. It would have been impossible for me to do this type of classification with the "free" time that I had between my periods of teaching. This tool allowed me to improve my performance, but also to communicate more quickly with the parent of a pupil in difficulty or to congratulate a successful young person on the spot. At home, thanks to this tool, I looked like the most proactive teacher in my community! Technology allows us to do better in less time.

We can see the failures of our youth coming and avoid them. Potentially difficult situations can be prevented before they occur.

ICT also greatly improves communication. With one click, a teacher can discuss with the team of professionals who mentor a youth or can have a discussion with parents, all the while retaining the information transferred and the elements mentioned during the conversation.

Teachers must however choose the technological tools they need, not the other way around. Technological needs must not be invented, for these tools will soon be forgotten. Those we choose must be consistent with our daily teaching practice in order to fit into our classroom.

Schools must also give way to technology and provide the necessary means so that teachers can obtain it. How? By investing in the purchase of new techno tools or by being open to proposals from its staff. The important thing is to listen to the needs of adults who surround young people and to provide the necessary training so that they feel competent with the technology.

The benefits of techno-pedagogy for students

Students have changed. Since their birth they have access to all desired information on their screens. They access so much information that they often do not know how to handle it, treat it and determine what is true or what is false. The role of the teacher today is to teach them how to use these technological tools well and when to do so.

As far as knowledge is concerned, they have access to it when they need it. Today's young people must learn to learn; they are not vessels into which we can pour the water of knowledge with no other purpose than them having general culture because it is easily accessible. We must guide them and show them how to dissect the information, validate it, cross-check it and doubt it.

ICT is also useful for students with learning disabilities. The devices that can be provided can revive their hope of success, their motivation; they can even revive their commitment to school. They must however meet their needs not create new ones.

Finally, the use of technology in the classroom can bring a more fun side to our teaching. What we call "gamification" allows us to obtain an amusing side when writing exercises or teaching activities. Learning whilst having fun changes young people's vision of their school and increases their sense of belonging to their community.

In summary, I say yes to the use of ICT inside the classroom and outside the classroom. But I say no to the use of technology at all costs. Let us use ICT by reflecting on our needs, choosing the tools according to our pedagogical practice and integrating them gradually into our daily school life in order to use them well and to value them well.

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