Optania's Blog
Réfléchir l’intelligence artificielle en éducation (conférence vidéo)
Dans le cadre de la Semaine de la FAD (Formation à distance) 2022, Simon et Carolanne discutent de différents éléments concernant l'intégration de l'intelligence artificielle dans les outils destinés au milieu de l'éducation!
Carolanne Tremblay
Artificial intelligence to improve the graduation rate of Quebec colleges (part 2)
The Optania team produces quality artificial intelligence algorithms for the Quebec educational system. To do so, a large part of the development time is allocated to the preparation of quality data. Indeed, in his campaign for a data-centric approach to artificial intelligence, Andrew Ng observes that data preparation occupies 80% of the time of artificial intelligence developers. The other 20% of the effort will essentially be spent training the model, evaluating its performance and deploying it.
L’analyse des données au service de la persévérance scolaire
La persévérance scolaire est un des plus grands défis rencontrés dans le système scolaire actuel. Autant pour les jeunes du primaire et du secondaire que pour les étudiants au collégial ou à l’université, les garder intéressés, motivés et présents peut parfois sembler être une montagne insurmontable. Dès qu’un enfant entre à l’école, le but de tous les intervenants est qu’il en ressorte avec un diplôme!
Carolanne Tremblay
Artificial intelligence to improve the graduation rate of Quebec colleges (part 1)
At Optania, caring is at the core of our business. We are innovating with ISA, a technology that uses machine learning to improve student retention with the well-being and success of students at heart. In education, improving college graduation rates requires the use of modern statistics combined with computer science (Castro & New, 2019). According to the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, in 2015, the dropout rate was close to 29% after 5 years of study, all programs combined in Cégep.
Artificial Intelligence in Education, "What’s the point?"
The purpose and development of artificial intelligence regularly give rise to fantasy and concern. Literature and film often present it as a danger to humanity. Take films like The Terminator and The Matrix, for example. Still today, many people fear that computers will someday become more intelligent than humans and "take over the planet".